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image of Connor Igielski


I am thankful for the opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Connor James Igielski and I am a joyful person, who enjoys humor, long walks on the beach, and spicy food - that isn’t too spicy. Originally from the greater Seattle area I take it as a great blessing that I now get to emerge from the grey clouds and serve here in Phoenix in the beautiful valley of the sun. 

My goal is to help individuals access their inner joy, passion and heal with all of the tools in my belt. One of the many ways I do this is through the Life Activation, which not only gives the recipient a great boost of light and energy but can awaken dormant aspects of the self. Knowing yourself deeper and shedding light on aspects of yourself that you don’t currently

have awareness of can bring about a new paradigm in your life. Thus, allowing you the joy, abundance, healing and self awareness that most individuals desire and need to progress in life.


In addition to all of the spiritual modalities that I am certified under, I also offer Massage Therapy and Reiki to all of my clients to get the physical body healthy and mobile. Stagnant energy almost always produces rotten fruit. Massage Therapy has been one of the many ways that I inspire people to re-engage with their bodies and release stuck energy that then later manifests into the neck and shoulder pain or the low back pain that many of us know too well. This works especially well in addition/ combination with a Life Activation before hand!

My Story

Throughout my life I had many stages of depression and self sabotage, always trying to fill a void that simply could not be filled with temporary feelings and distractions. The only thing that I found that replaced the void within me is the Light, and ultimately finding out who I am in the Light. When I found the Modern Mystery School (MMS) I was already at a place in my life where I had spiritual interest and desire to understand more. A lot of my experiences before finding the MMS were essentially trials of discernment and trying to find slivers of light with out knowing what the light really was. It is through the MMS that I was brought into an ancient Lineage- the Lineage of King Salomon and, the Hermetic Ray of

image of woman receiving massage from Connor Igielski

Light was introduced into my life. Using Hermetic principles, is the most effective and true ways that I have begun to understand the light and who I am in it.


It was about a year before I found the Modern Mystery School (MMS) that I became a Licensed Massage Therapist. In pursuit of trying to find a way to help others heal, not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well; in the most wholistic way possible. I still use Massage Therapy to this day to help others heal and find a place of stillness. It was through Massage that I found the MMS- and so in many ways Massage did help lead me to the most wholistic way to heal possible. And having both sets of tools, I have the privilege to offer all of my clients many different modalities and ways to go about healing yourself- both inside and out!


Now I find it as my calling and apart of my life’s purpose to serve humanity and help others heal, and know themselves in the same way I have. This is through the path of initiation, which consists of the Healer and the Warrior, and traditionally in the Lineage of King Salomon the Healers are trained as Warriors and the Warriors are trained as Healers. In many ways, not only does this produce balanced results, but you begin to see how interconnected the two truly are. All of this begins with the Life Activation and then becoming an Adept Initiate in the Empower Thyself Adept Initiation.

Connor received certification from The Modern Mystery School as a Life Activation Practitioner in 2020, as a Healer in 2021, and an Ensofic Reiki Practitioner in 2023.

Connor received certification from The Cortiva School of Massage Therapy and the Washington State board of Massage Therapy as a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2019. Later was relicensed by the state of Arizona in 2020.

Connor's Contact

I'm always looking to provide support and to serve new clients. Let's connect.

(253) 365-4260   Call or Text

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