The Modern Mystery School and the Lineage of King Salomon is adept at providing practical tools, profound healings, and exceptional trainings in metaphysics, alchemy, kabbalah, esoteric studies, hermetics, and ritual mastery. So why do we lead with a one-on-one session called the Life Activation?
We all have, within us, the divine blueprint to our gifts, our talents, our greatness. It is better known as the DNA. This structure is just now receiving the scientific research that metaphysicians have known for thousands of years. Although science is still catching up, we do know that there are 24 strands of DNA, 12 physical and 12 spiritual. And, these strands are at varying degrees of being attuned, or "turned on," or, another way of thinking about it is, accessible for actualization.
As the scientific field of epigenetics is proving, the DNA is much more malleable than we had previously understood. In fact, we have the ability to transform our DNA by attuning, or turning on, certain aspects of expression, while turning off, or rendering obsolete, other aspects.
King Salomon, during his time in the great temple in Alexandria, was able to master the ability to activate 22 strands of our DNA. This activation, now called the Life Activation, was only available to priests and priestesses, temple leaders, shamans, kings and queens, and members of the ancient orders of the 7 mystery schools globally, until the North American mystery school opened its doors to the public in 1997. Leading the way, of our open-door mystery school, was the release of the DNA Activation and the Adept Initiation.
While you, as a divine being, are entirely capable of spending the time and energy dedicated to the attuning your own DNA for your highest potential. However, is this the best use of your resources?
As Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioners, we have received training on how to perform the Life Activation during a 1.5 - 2 hour session. Activating, in that small amount of time, 22 of the 24 strands of DNA.
We believe that everyone on the planet can benefit from a Life Activation!
If you would like to learn more, we highly recommend booking a consultation with a Life Activation Practitioner in your area. The Modern Mystery School International has a quick and easy reference guide of certified practitioners, click here, to find someone near you.
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