Sacred Geometry Healings

Crystal Immersion Healing
Gemstones and Crystals are powerful allies on our road to physical and emotional wellness. This ancient healing combines the power of sound and crystals to unblock and re-energize client-focused areas of need.
​Areas of focus:
The Mind
Physical Body
Spatial perception
Relationship with time
Internal physical problems
Pure mind / thoughts
1 hour session
Crystal Healing Rites
Gemstones and Crystals are powerful allies on our road to physical and emotional wellness.
This powerful session directs energy at releasing negative thought patterns, and traumatic experiences, allowing for increased calm and peace within.
1 hour session

Egyptian Aura Healing
Tapping into the energy of the gods and goddesses from ancient Egypt, this session clears out the 7 layers of your aura. You will feel reconnected and purified after your session.
Working with Gods/ddesses:
Ra - for spirit connection
Isis - for thoughts
Osiris - for soul connection
Geb - for expanded connection
Nut - for planning
Anubis - for dreams
1 - 1 1/2 hour session
Fire Soul Infusion & Activation
Using powerful sacred geometries engraved into your aura, you are brought into rhythm with your soul's vibration.
When you are in alignment with your soul you are better able to know what is important in your life, and become more aware of your inner desires and your unique divine expression. The first step of the Kundalini Awakening.
This session works specifically in these core areas of your energetic, physical and emotional structures:
Inter-dimensional Connections
Spirit Contracts
Mind - Soul Connection
Soul Enrichment
Clarity of Thought
The Mind
Balance in the Body
1 - 1 1/2 hour session
The prerequisite for the Fire Soul Infusion & Activation is a Life Activation to be completed by a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner, prior to your session.

Core Will Infusion & Activation
The will of the higher self always desires good, however at times we are not always in alignment with that Will.
By clearing and cleaning up the etheric structure, you become more balanced between the Will of God, Will of the Universe & Nature and the Will of Humans.
This activation creates immense clarity of life and purpose, and opens up the mind to allow the self to be affected by the true Will of God.
This modality enhances the connection with the spiritual self while having more reverence for the experience of Life.
1 - 1 1/2 hour session
The prerequisite for the Core Will Infusion & Activation is a Life Activation to be completed by a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner, prior to your session.
Archangel Michael Interstellar Tube of Light
This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras.
By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube.
This interstellar experience allows you to access the origin of creational energy. Archangel Michael is the master architect of the labyrinth of the soul, and by entering his Light Tube, you will be commencing a process of re-creation into the highest form for yourself.
1 - 1 1/2 hour session
The prerequisite for the Archangel Michael Activation is a Life Activation to be completed by a Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner, prior to your session.

Gemstone Package
Crystals and gemstones are an amazing way to shift energy and bring yourself into balance.
These THREE sessions will assist you in removing negative patterns and harmonizing your life!
Crystal Immersion Healing ($150 stand alone)
Crystal Healing for Emotions ($150 stand alone)​
15- minute Crystal Reading or Christus Healing ($50 stand alone)
​(savings of $50- 14%)
ADD ON: Life Activation for $500