Keeping the Challenge Alive
Day 1 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on 3 people in your life that you are grateful for.
(1) Contact these 3 people and express to them why you are grateful for them. Perhaps sharing why having them in your life is important. Express just how amazing you think they are.
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear about how amazing someone else is and why!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the first day a ripple of love!
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Day 2 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how you show and express gratitude.
(1) We all feel it! Gratitude is a human emotion that runs deep. However, we all express it differently. Create a list of 10 ways you like to express gratitude, and then create opportunities to express it today in at least 5 ways!
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear about ways we can express gratitude!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the second day a ripple of positive expression!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story

Day 3 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how impactful gratitude has been in your life.
(1) Think of ways in which you have been shown gratitude. Name an impactful memory of when you've received gratitude from someone and share how it made you feel.
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. When we share what we enjoy, we tend to attract more of it into our lives!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the third day a ripple of loving memories!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story

Day 4 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how we like to receive gratitude.
(1) When we know how we like to be acknowledged it gives us insight into our motivations. This spiritual journey is all about "knowing thyself."
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear how they can best recognize you for being your amazing self!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the fourth day a ripple of acknowledgement!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story

Day 5 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how you show up in the world.
(1) Think of a time this week that you have done something nice for someone else. How did it make you feel?
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear about how powerful good deeds are!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the fifth day a ripple of inspiration!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story

Day 6 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how you show up in the world.
(1) Think of a time this week that you have done something nice for someone else. How did it make you feel?
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear about how powerful good deeds are!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the fifth day a ripple of inspiration!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story

Day 7 - Prompts and Materials
Today we are going to focus on how you show up in the world.
(1) Think of a time this week that you have done something nice for someone else. How did it make you feel?
(2) Then, you can post on social media if you'd like to share this with the world. Who couldn't stand to hear about how powerful good deeds are!
(3) Make sure to tag @Empowerful.Life on FB or IG
Use hashtags:
Let's make the fifth day a ripple of inspiration!
Social Media Square

Social Media Story