There has never been a better time on the planet to focus inward, commit to your healing process, and receive the tools to increase your vibratory frequency so that you can remain focused on the positive and bring more Light into your community!
There is an upcoming program in Phoenix, AZ happening in October over two (2) weekends! This training opportunity will take place (1) Friday, October 1 - Sunday, October 3, 2021; AND (2) Saturday, October 23 - Sunday, October 24 in Phoenix AZ. Created for new and existing students, these two weekend-long programs will provide foundational courses in metaphysical science, esotericism and shamanic magick.
You are welcome to register for one or for all of the classes. Discounts are available for those committing to more than one class. Class Packages are listed below. The only prerequisite for this training program is a Life Activation. Please contact us directly to make arrangements for this one-on-one session prior to program start.

12 Races of Earth- October 1, 2021, 6PM- 10PM
Single Class: $180
Fairies, and Elves, and Mermaids, Oh My!!!
Would you be surprised to learn that we share the planet with non-human beings who have unique magick and societies?
Learn how we cohabitate. As we share our planet with other Beings of Light, the ancient mystery schools have acknowledged and cultivated relationships with the other 11 races of Magickal Beings over the ages, allowing collaboration and peaceful interaction to be possible.

Sacred Geometry 1- October 2, 2021, 10AM-2PM
Single Class: $125
LEARN HOW TO CREATE A TEMPLE OF LIGHT for heightened protection and joy.
Creating a sacred space has become increasingly important, as the desire to have a safe space to work and play is part of the New Paradigm energy.
What are you doing in the spiritual world to keep out unwanted energy? How do you create a sacred, gridded area to build energy in your space?
Learn what 'gridding,' is and how can it help you hold more Light and stronger space for your events, your clients, or for your home.

Astral Travel- October 2, 2021, 3PM-7PM
Single Class: $125
Come and learn the Art and Science of expanding consciousness to travel outside the physical body.
Astral Travel has been used for thousands of years as a way to gain knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
When you master the ability to travel with your consciousness, all knowledge is accessible and only limited by your imagination.

Journeys of the Spirit- October 3, 2021, 10AM-7PM
Single Class: $300
Come join us for this day of rich and rewarding Journey work!
Nourish yourself, your mediation practice and your work in and for the world. This unique and exciting class is an advanced meditation program that uses the Ancient Mystery School method of the Sanctuary Meditation as a foundation from which to receive allies, gifts, and messages from the spiritual realm that can be used for the rest of your life.

Empower Thyself Adept Initiation- October 23-24, 2021, 10AM-7PM
Single Class: $1,200 with $350 deposit; Audits: $350
The time is now to shift yourself, heal & start living life FULLY!
You are ready to receive 10 times the energy in order to empower and fulfill your life's work!
Do you have that little voice inside that is telling you there is something more to this life? Even though you have attained a measure of success: you may have a great job, family, and overall life, and yet, you have this gut feeling that you are missing something important. Some secret formula to life that you just haven't figured out yet? And, you know that the time is NOW to figure it out!
You are welcome to register for one or for all of the classes. Discounts are available for those committing to more than one class.
To Register for any of the upcoming classes or packages: https://www.empowerfullife.com/foundational-training-for-the-soul